Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Skara Brae

a house for the living
a house for the dead

in skara brae village
they found lovers' bones
unseparated for five thousand years
under their bed

imitating life
mocking death.

I won't give myself away
I will bury layers upon layers of my skin
all around -  a fertile air

a territory

please wait for me. tomorrow we'll celebrate
we'll claim that the wind brought us to life
only to hunt us down

a sacrifice for the only god that survived
the invisible one
the revengeful one.

I could see him smiling
picking us up from the crowds
like books from the shelves
judged by their covers
by the experienced hands of a blind man

this page that page

pairs of silenced lips screaming
we fight we kick

we'll never get used to the cage
we'll never escape.

hope shrinks
sadness drips
the end never ends