Wednesday, December 30, 2020

another day

       "I asked you why you
         were here; your answer was your beauty"
         (Frank Bidart)

all illusions are down
and cannot be reversed 
once you know what you really want
here I am
wearing my fluffy rabbit pajama
there are twenty-two of them
eleven struggling bunnies 
on each leg
I counted them again
a few minutes ago
thinking of you
a song in my head: you do not own
a tambourine
you are a perfect man
I'm moving in circles
preoccupied with some minor poetry
that is:  writing messages
to myself
only to read them aloud later
for I am one of those
"great forgetters"
so loved by Appolinaire.
at the third hour of the night
my wounds
welcoming another day

it makes the moon appear larger

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

look at all those peaches



pereții nu sunt decât ferestrele celor care-au plecat 

tablouri imaginare pentru visele de dinaintea ultimei bătăi ale inimii

ce-am lăsat în urmă și pe tine cui?

dumnezeu s-a convertit nu mai crede în noi 

întors înspre El însuși 

de-acum se respiră pe datorie 

păsările - mânjite în sângele apusului 

una singură a scăpat și nu va avea unde să se așeze 

când o vor durea cumplit 


Sunday, December 27, 2020

It may hurt

It may hurt

I whispered sightless in my mother's womb  

feeding on someone's air. breathing wavessounds 

blurry eyes shining in the dark

and it did. it did hurt so badly.

freedom a terminal illness 

a guardian to put us in chains 

a word spring to replace the others for the remaining years

stitched together 

absences. no one to learn the multiplication table 

of your soul

death wait for me. you'll be there lonely and vast  

in my last dream 

you've told me there is no symmetry 

and you are right 

for a heart can only be equal to itself 

blood thicker then silence 

all I ever wanted

your arms winter trees waiting for their leaves to come back 

from the unknown deserts

birds with no names. melodies on the go

I will wait here for a ship to come in 

my eyes making day out of night 

you me and others like us blind people 

hoping for their past lives to start

love don't come here 

here is everything you did not expect 

whispered poetry. so little courage 

oh dear words bring me some joy this morning meant to remain 

a forever morning of dandelions 

and herbs

shhh do not tell him I love him so much 

do not tell him I cried all night

the mighty wind 

caught by surprise

Thursday, December 17, 2020

peisaje interioare

smulge-te dintre minutele acestea

vezi bine ce greu se așteaptă

vezi bine că nu pentru tine au fost făcute

se va însera. jefuiește-te de lumină

oricum noaptea va înghiți în burta ei 


izvoare pasări și peșteri. oamenii cu gurile 


paharul ăsta își toarnă reflexia înapoi în sticlă

masca îmi dezvăluie adevăratul chip 

o umbră de demult tatuată pe frunte

pe-afară some ladies are singing songs 

about winter 

și-apoi nimic nou. se trăiește ca întotdeauna - 

de mâine pe azi

se licitează puternic. ridic mâna

urc prețul micuței speranțe până dă în ridicol

dar eu știu 

și-i pot spune:

pietrifică-te inimă înainte de vreme

cât soarele-i sus încă

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

the falling girl

and what about that house
or that house or us?
I had to tell him those words
which could change the light
in any room
the past the future the song of the birds
bringing nothing but pain
after that I went into the kitchen
- that place where life keeps on boiling -
I made cream of wheat for the kids
ate some without thinking
all of a sudden I felt very dizzy
two woodpeckers of the same size
with their furry noses
hammering away
on my brain and my chest.
I had to find a place
for myself I came up to my room
and went on reading
the falling girl by dino buzzati
I have watched marta
not dying
but melting like wax
into this welcoming long-lasting earth