Saturday, October 17, 2020

caught in reveries

two sticks of reality rubbed against each other 
(as philip roth had said) 
one for me one for you 
suddenly someone starts skinning a fox 
at a certain page 
the new elected president is a poet 
the oreo cookies are banned throughout 
the universe. 
I learned to drive 
in a cemetery in the north side of chicago 
the same cemetery where many years later 
my younger brother and I 
went to buy a plot for mom. 
open wide the windows in your room 
the pleasant breeze will remind you 
that you are alive 
and something wonderful is happening to you 
now close your eyes. listen 
what should one expect from a song? 
we shouldn't tap our fingers in silence 
needless to say we cannot add new 
musical notes to a song which just ended 
how about words?