Wednesday, January 22, 2020
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Sunday, January 19, 2020
la adresa mea locuiește altcineva.
arată ca mine dar ar putea trece
drept oricare altă femeie. un azil. o margine de oraș.
un selfie. o pălărie. o sufragerie.
un vas.
o singură lacrimă te face more friendly with yourself.
nu ai avut vreodată forța
să dai starea asta pe-un urlet.
a renunța acum înseamnă a împărți
săruturi din scaunul electric
privitorilor de după sticlă.
casa vecinilor construită in anii '80 arde
cerul miroase
a nepăsare
și-a scrum.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Venim din aceeași moarte
Ești pe proprietatea inimii mele, pun candelabre de care se sparge
întunericul și se prelinge printre picioarele dulapurilor. Toată noaptea vânez bufnițe mute,
care prevestesc răul. încă există. Le las să-mi respire în ceafă.
Mă arunc în nimic să pot să revin. Îți zâmbesc complice. Venim din aceeași moarte.
Nu avem loc într-un singur ceas de perete, cu mâinile rămase pe dinafară ne
ținem de tâmple, ne ținem de cuvânt, ne înghițim faptele, mișcăm acele orelor.
Așteptăm. Miroase a gem de cireșe și-a
Ești filmul color care rulează de la mijloc, fără început și fără
sfârșit. Împart bilete la intrare, nimeni nu cumpără. Mi le îndes în gură, le
simt în plămâni. "the evening has landed"
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
Friday, January 3, 2020
Tenebrae, Paul Celan
"We are near, Lord,
near and at hand.
Handled already, Lord,
clawed and clawing as though
the body of each of us were
your body, Lord.
Pray, Lord,
pray to us,
we are near.
Wind-awry we went there,
went there to bend
over hollow and ditch.
To be watered we went there, Lord.
It was blood, it was
what you shed, Lord.
It gleamed.
It cast your image into our eyes, Lord.
Our eyes and our mouths are open and empty, Lord.
We have drunk, Lord.
The blood and the image that was in the blood, Lord.
Pray, Lord.
We are near."
near and at hand.
Handled already, Lord,
clawed and clawing as though
the body of each of us were
your body, Lord.
Pray, Lord,
pray to us,
we are near.
Wind-awry we went there,
went there to bend
over hollow and ditch.
To be watered we went there, Lord.
It was blood, it was
what you shed, Lord.
It gleamed.
It cast your image into our eyes, Lord.
Our eyes and our mouths are open and empty, Lord.
We have drunk, Lord.
The blood and the image that was in the blood, Lord.
Pray, Lord.
We are near."
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Paul Celan, Praise of Distance (from Poppy and Memory)
"In the
springs of your eyes
Live the Madsea
fishermen’s nets.
In the spring
of your eyes
the sea
keeps its promise.
Here, as
a heart
that abode
among humans,
I throw
off my clothes and the glare of an oath.
Blacker in
black, am I more naked.
Apostate only
am I true.
I am you,
when I am I.
In the
springs of your eyes
I drift on
and dream of spoils.
A net
snared a net:
we sever.
In the springs
of your eyes
a hanged
man strangles the rope."
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